Monday, September 30, 2019

Hamlet Essay

Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy shaped the work of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Both are revenge tragedies that include the mystery of death. Behind the mystery, there is a spirit of the dead who appears before the protagonists, Hieronimo and Hamlet, to cry out for revenge. In The Spanish Tragedy and Hamlet, soliloquy plays an important role. It is often used to express the true feelings of the main characters. In both tragedies, the protagonists use soliloquy to demonstrate a central dilemma that slows the main character’s process of vengeance. The dilemma is that it is sinful to commit a murder, but it is also unfair to keep the criminal alive. Their soliloquies show their desire to commit suicide to escape from the dilemma. Another obvious dilemma is that suicide is a sin as well. Thus, the question is whether to live to satisfy the ghost and be damned, or to kill oneself and be damned. Realizing revenge as the better choice of the two, both mad geniuses decide to seek revenge at last. Soliloquies also display the character’s madness. It is their uncertainty, their attempt to reveal the truth, and their mind persistently seeking for reason that drives the avengers to some extent of madness; however, they are not completely insane. Their madness only acts as a disguise so they seem harmless. Both Hieronimo and Hamlet are deceitful. They stay close to the murderers as a mad person grieving for the death of their loved ones, then they act to their plan when it is least expected. The two avengers succeed in the revenge. Of course, the heroes, along with many other characters in the play, die at the end.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Competency Goals Essay

In order for children to feel safe away from home they need a safe environment where they can learn and play comfortably. I am always alert and continuously observe the children at all times. Children must never be left unsupervised. In the class, safety precautions such as checking all tables and chairs for damage and sharp edges is done weekly. All electrical outlets that are not being used are covered with safety caps. I guarantee that the children’s work and play areas are free of clutter. When the children are using scissors, pencils or other instruments, I make sure they carry them in an appropriate manner to prevent injury. We have on file written permission from the parent’s to take their child for any emergency medical care if the nurse isn’t on campus. Outdoor play areas are checked daily for harmful objects such as bottles, cans, or other litter items before the children go out to play. In the center, a fire drill is conducted Once a month. A Healthy Environment A healthy environment is essential for effective learning. A visual daily health check is done each day upon each child’s arrival. I respond immediately to accidents, health concerns and emergency conditions calmly. The classroom is maintained in a clean and hygienic environment. While working with parents, together we assist the children in building good grooming habits b maintaining consistent routines at school and encourage them to do so at home. Hand washing following toileting, washing hands before meals and brushing teeth is done in the center to encourage healthy needs. Children are able to flourish in an environment that influences their growth and development. A Learning Environment Children learn by doing and by imitating each other, their parents and their teachers. I respect and acknowledge each child’s ideas, concern and feelings. We provide a variety of materials in the class from the books we  use to the toys with which the children play. Participation is encouraged without any of the children feeling frustrated. An environment is provided where each child has fun during activities that are allowed and encouraged to participate in various activities to appreciate each other’s cultural differences. Each child display their work around the classroom they enjoy seeing their accomplishments. Open communication is provided for each child. I try to make sure the children’s daily schedule is followed, but sometimes we get a little behind. Transition from one activity to another is smooth. COMPETENCY GOAL II TO ADVANCE PHYSICAL AND INTELLECTUALCOMPETENCE Physical Physcial development is important for healthy development. Physical activities are designed to be fun for the children. Children like a lot of physical movement. In the class we schedule time to use both gross and fine motor skills. We plan physical activities during outside time, such as relay races, jumping rope, hula hoops, throwing a ball and just plain exercising. Play enhances learning both inside and outside. My enthusiasm is shown when I actively play with the children. In the class, we exercise to music, combining music and movement. Parents are encouraged to get involved in physical activities with their children. We plan, develop and coordinate fine and small motor skill activities such as stringing large and small beads, cutting with scissors, turning single pages in books, drawing and putting puzzles together. Sleep is also important for growth. Children need rest during the day. Quiet time with music is played in order to help the child relax. Intellectual Children want answers to their questions. Most of their questions start with â€Å"Why†. As their teacher, I know that it is important to their questions answered. It is their way of learning. They need to learn how to perceive different things. In the class we use symbols as part of comprehending.  Books are used to ask questions and think about what is being read to them. As part of our schedule, I let the children plan their own activities. They tell me what center they want to go in and what they plan to do in their centers. Children are given the opportunity to talk about their parents, friends and things happening around home and community. On some Fridays we do show and tell or idol Friday. The children bring items from home and tell the class something about the item. We also bring something to share; this way the children in turn ask us questions. In the class, we sing our Alphabet and sounds song. This helps them to learn letters of the alphabet. We play number gam es for rote counting and shape searching in the class for shapes recognition. COMPETENCY GOAL III TO SUPPORT SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TO PROVIDE POSITIVE GUIDANCE Social Development Teachers are very important role models for a child. Promoting social skills includes helping children begin to understand the feelings and needs of others. In the class, I always model good social skills around the children. Observation is an important tool while learning how a child feels and behaves. When a child tells me no one will play with him/her, through observation, the child is monitored around his/her peers to see if there is a lack of social developing skills. Helping, sharing, showing concern and cooperation with each other is always encouraged. Children are rewarded with praise for kindness, being helpful and cooperative to each other. Each child is made to feel special. Addressing social skills, knowing the children’s cultural background and environment is very important to me. Social interactions are provided through play. Play socially helps children to cooperate and appreciate each other. Children have to be able to get along with each other in order for the day run smoothly. Emotional Development As a teacher, I try to make a great difference in developing emotional skills in the children. Children are encouraged to express love, fear, and anger. It is important for me to help the children control both negative and  positive emotions. Emotional development through play is encouraged. It helps children relieve feelings in a safe environment and promotes self-confidence. I respect each child as an individual and the natural differences in how children express their feelings. In the class, puppets and role-play are used in exhibiting emotions whether positive or the class, I plan and provide a place for the children to have some down time when they are experiencing negative emotions. Positive Guidance The way a teacher acts influences the children. I always maintain a positive attitude around the children. The climate of the class is always relaxed. My tone of voice is calm, when speaking with the children. As the teacher in the class, I use guidance techniques such as modeling appropriate behavior and allowing the children to act their age. Directions are given in a positive way. The schedule is provided and followed daily so the children will know the routine and can make transitions easier. A helper chart is put up this way, all the children share responsibility of keeping the classroom clean and orderly. As a group, we together come up with a set of class rules, which are agreeable with the students and me. Children are encouraged to feed and dress themselves. Children are praised when they cooperated and help each other, especially during clean up Time. COMPETENCY GOAL IV TO ESTABLISH POSITIVE AND PRODUCTIVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH FAMILIES It is very important to me to let parents and families of the children I work with know and feel they are a big part of our program. The parents as well as their children are important to me and the overall success of the program. I encourage a cooperative atmosphere among each child’s relationships within the family structure. Parents are always welcome in the classroom. Regular communication with the parents is important. It is important to present a united effort to the family of the children with whom I teach. Newsletters are sent home on a weekly basis t parents to inform them of upcoming events. A parent news board is set up to provide daily  updates to parents on meals, activities and important dates. In order to maintain an open, friendly and cooperative relationship with each child’s family we provide parents with opportunities to become involved in the programs. We encourage parents to volunteer in the classroom, attend workshops, serve on policy and advisory committees, attend field trips and attend parent meetings. During parent meetings suggestions are made for improving the daily program. Information about their child’s experiences and achievements in the center is provided to the parents. Reports are distributed periodically to help parents understand the progress of his or her child. Home visits are made twice throughout the school term to share activities and materials that parents can use at home with their child. Each family’s cultural background, religious and parenting beliefs are respected. Parent-Teacher conferences are another means of communication with parents they are also held twice in a school term. Parents need to know and feel they are a part of the teaching team in the classroom. Together, our common goal is always, the children. COMPETENCY GOAL V TO ENSURE A WELL-RUN PURPOSEFUL PROGRAM RESPONSIVE TO PARTICIPANT NEEDS To ensure a well-run program, I maintain an open communication with my Lead Teacher and other staff members. We work as a team to provide quality, developmentally appropriate activities and materials for the children each day. I’m always willing to work with bus monitors, parents and volunteers. It is important to me that the children can flourish well in an environment that influences their growth and development. Each child’s nutritional needs are met. Up-to-date records is maintained on each child. Each child’s record is kept confidential. Confidentiality secures the privacy of the children and their families. The parents, staff members Lead Teacher and myself work to identify the strengths and needs of each child. Records and reports concerning growth, behavior, health, and progress of each child is maintained. This information is shared with each child’s parent. Schedules are posted and followed daily they are where the parents can read them. This way, they know what their child is working on daily. By using appropriated  guidelines, I observe the children for signs of abuse or neglect and follow through if needed. Center brochures are distributed to each child’s family. Each child’s progress is discussed with his/her respective parents. Planning is essential. A great deal of time is sent on planning, so that children will have their needs met. I ensure that the classroom is clean and safe. The classroom is always prepared before the children arrive. Reference materials, are utilized as needed each day. To stimulate and motivate the children, I consistently look for new and innovative methods. I read various books and education websites to acquire acknowledge. It is important to maintain appreciation for each child’s cultural background. COMPETENCY GOAL VI TO MAINTAIN A COMMITMENT TO PROFESSIONALISM As a teacher, I enjoy teaching Pre-K. I demonstrate a positive attitude toward the children and their parents. It is important to promote quality services. I take advantage of all opportunities to improve my personal and professional growth. This growth is beneficial for the children I teach, as well as their parents. I take advantage for personal development by attending conferences, in-service trainings, staff meetings and study groups. I read books, stay in contact with other pre-k teachers and resource coordinators to help keep me informed of changes in the teaching field. Information about the children, their families and staff is kept confidential. Effective communications and working well with my co-workers is very important. I perform my duties professionally no matter where I work. While dressing in a professional manner, my hair, nails and attire are maintained clean and attractive. A positive, professional attitude is projected at all times. Cultural differences in the chi ldren are respected at all times. Parents are informed about field trips, home visits and conferences. I ask parents to volunteer in the class, each week I send home a family activity this keeps them involved in learning about their child’s experiences at school. I am committed to keeping the children safe, providing good communication, positive guidance and working with the families of the children. It is important for the children’s family and me  to work together. The key is teamwork. The common goal is that the parents and myself will do what is best for the child.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analysis of Aluminium †Analytical Chemistry Essay

Introduction Atomic Absorption relies on the principle that each atom absorbs light of a particular wavelength, and hence at that wavelength the quantity of that absorption is proportional to the elements concentration. The first technique used in this analysis was Electrothermal Atomisation, known as Graphite Furnace-AAS. The components of a Graphite Furnace AAS are similar to that of Flame AAS, they more or less use the same components, with the exception of the component used to heat the sample. For a Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer the schematic is: Hollow Cathode Lamp → Graphite Tube → Monochromator → Detector The Hollow Cathode Lamp (HCL) is a selective/specific light source made from the element of interest. The HCL contains an inert gas which is usually Argon or Neon. Ionization of the inert gas takes place, which causes acceleration of the gas into the Cathode. This causes the metal atoms (Al) of the cathode to sputter into the gas phase. The collision of sputtered atoms with the Argon atoms or electrons, excite the metal to higher energy levels. It is the process of decay that occurs which causes excited electrons to emit light in their return down to lower energy levels which is shone through the sample in the Graphite tube. Ar + e- → Ar+ = 2e- M(s) + Ar+ → M(g) + Ar M(g) + Ar+ → M*(g) + Ar M*(g) → M(g) + hv (light) The monochromator isolates the absorption line obtained from the sample, giving an accurate depiction to the detector. While the detector measures the intensity of the light and produces an electrical signal equivalent to the intensity. The sample is injected directly into the graphite tube, which is then heated. The tube provides thermal energy enough to break bonds within the sample and produce free atoms of the analyte. The sample undergoes three stages of heating, which are all imperative to the analysis of the sample: Step 1: drying of sample (which is the removal of water and the solvent) happens at approximately 125 degrees celsius. Step 2: ‘ashing’ of organic matter (removal of organic and inorganic material, essentially any matrix) happens at approximately1300 degrees celsius. Step 3: Vaporization of analyte atoms (free analyte atoms in light path) – happens at approximately 2400 degrees celsius Step 2 is important for preventing Spectral Interference in the analysis. Due to the fact, there is no flame used in this particular technique there is no combustion products, hence there improved sensitivity of between 10 and 10^3. Method 1. From stock standard of Aluminium provided, prepare concentrations of 10ppb, 20ppb and 50ppb. 2. Add 2ml of 10% HNO3 to each standard and make up to volume in polycarbonate flasks using Ultra High Purity water (UHP water). 3. Prepare a blank: 2ml of 10% HNO3 diluted with UHP water. 4. Take 50ml samples of tap water from: a laboratory sink, a tap in C block, a sink from alternative lab. 5. Add 1ml of 10% HNO3 to each sample as a preservative. 6. Ensure all solutions are mixed well before loading into carousel. 7. Load carousel in order of: blank, then set of standards filling all inner positions. 8. Load samples into outer carousel using small cups. 9. Run analysis. Optimising the GF-AAS is important to ensure maximum efficiency of detection. This is done via running the standards over a range of pre-treatment and atomisation temperatures to determine the conditions for maximum response. Running the blank is important in establishing the base-line reading – this acts as a correction factor, as you can determine how much absorption you find in your samples as a result of the solvent.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Higher Education and a Knowledge Based Economy Essay

Higher Education and a Knowledge Based Economy - Essay Example Of course all this would have implications for the area of higher education and this area has been discussed in depth by many academics like Nonaka, 1991 and Wiig, 1993.Knowledge is "power" and a key business asset and this will no doubt lead to an increased demand for education and training of the modern individuals .For the purposes of this paper I would present knowledge to be not only a member of the "steadily increasing" corporate assets (which amongst others are patients ,goodwill and brand identity etc) but also as "meaningful information; or the understanding, awareness, familiarity acquired through study, investigation, observation or experience over the course of time (citing Zelner , 2000)".(Psarras 2006).Basically then in the context of higher education it becomes an " individual's interpretation of information based on personal experiences, skills and competencies" (Psarras 2006). The impact on higher education of the knowledge based economy thus requires the need for instilling the culture of effective Knowledge management into the learning and education as a whole. ... The Educational criteria thus has to match the firm's knowledge needs and this has led to a growing appreciation for occupationally acquired knowledge to mere academic qualifications devoid of any practical experience. Thus Higher education will have to be focused upon developing this specific knowledge as required by the modern corporate firms competing for survival in the economy. Thus the aim is no longer knowledge delivery and there is a heightened focus upon strategic information and knowledge management by the labour force to achieve business goals efficiently through proper utilisation of the knowledge.This trend has been prevalent since the decade of the eighties where as according to Cooke and Cooke (1998) there has been growth of what is called "learner centred knowledge and action learning, a growing significance of work-related learning and the recognition of work and work experience as a key source of learning" (Psarras 2006 citing Cooke and Cooke 1998).Finally the adven t of information technology has made the need to revolutionise teaching and learning methodologies more than ever. In conclusion the future belongs to those who can understand the need to make continuous learning and modern education and training for the modern work force. Thus it is a challenging time for universities to be aware of the transitions in their roles as knowledge providers and provide flexible, innovative and research intensive learning. Further more there is a need for Curricula that reflects the reestablishment of the link of learning with experience with a more environmentally responsive curriculum which addresses the real issues that happen in a real world.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Blog Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Blog - Essay Example Janissaries were a formidable fighting force of the Ottomans which gave the Ottomans enormous advantage over the European forces. Gradually, firearms, infantry drill, muskets, grenades and hand cannons were introduced which further strengthened the Janissary corps. However, the original organization was strong enough to adopt these advancements. There were infantry and cavalry soldiers. The infantry was divided into seven groups: janissaries, recruits, armorers, artillerymen, artillery carries, bombardiers and sewermen. All of these groups, formed by Turkish yongmen, were strong enough to provide the military with a tough corps. Hence, it is concluded that the military should have a robust organizational structure first of all, so that it is resilient enough to adopt newer ways, tools and equipment. Although, it is also true that without the introduction and adoption of firearms, muskets, and etcetera, the Janissaries would have ended up much sooner than they did, however, the import ance of organizational structure cannot be denied as with any other field of

Tourism Master Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Tourism Master - Assignment Example Like in any other country, heritage tourism in USA is advancing in huge strides for the last one or two decades now, and Government has realised the importance of promoting tourism in rural America, and here, heritage and cultural tourism have been given more importance. Tourism has become today, one of the biggest industries in the world and has proved beneficial in many ways. USA has decided to showcase its immensely rich heritage, mainly of Native Americans, less of immigrants who occupy the whole of America today. Heritage tourism also covers historical conflicts, fight for freedom, wars for freedom, fight for civil rights and the resulting battles that have left inerasable footprints on sand of time. Today's tourism can never exist without preservation, which has become the most pertinent issue all over the planet. USA, a huge country with unlimited possibilities, is today encouraging heritage tourism while carefully preserving its own innumerable heritage sites, mainly that of Native Indians.Eco Tourism and Sustainable Tourism, though almost identical, are not the same. Eco Tourism is more about the nature, its preservation, whereas sustainable tourism is about nature, but about the living beings on the particular land and is of the opinion that tourism should help the locals, while retaining the planet's pristine garb as clean as possible. On 7th October 2003, WITC came out with the Blue print of New Tourism. "The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) today revealed its Blueprint for New Tourism, which issues a call to action for both government and the industry to make several long-term commitments to ensure the prosperity of Travel & Tourism - one of the world's largest industries, responsible for 200m jobs and over 10% of global GDP1". In heritage tours, areas with extreme environmental threat have to be avoided. Sustainable tourism argues that local community should be financially benefited, so that, they take the initiative of preserving the environmental sensitivities and fragile areas of biodiversities. It has to be seen that economic requirement should not override environmental concerns. Proper guidelines have to be formed on how the nature parks and heritage sites and wildlife sanctuaries have to be preserved. American tourism calls for awakening our senses to natural beauty and national heritage. Amazing heritage sites also offer well-planned, thrilling holidays, because for some tourists, unmixed heritage tours could be dull and uneventful. Wildlife has firmly become part of all tourisms including heritage and cultural tourisms. CASE STUDY: TOURISM IN UTAH, ITS HISTORY AND ATTRACTIONS: Utah, one of the prominent states in USA has been chosen for the case study, as this State is perhaps the best State capable of showing the most vivid kaleidoscope of America's heritage. The State is divided into: Mining County, Carbon/Emery County, Salt Lake County, Summit County, Tooele County, Utah County, Central Utah, Eastern Utah, Southern Utah, mainly depending on its vibrant and violent background. Utah has a population density of 21 people per square mile, (increased at the rate of 15% since 1982), and with a developed land increase of 24% between 1982 and 19922 and this has resulted in 30% loss of wetlands since 1780 and it is the home of 38 threatened and endangered species. For outdoor enthusiasts there is no better place than Utah to ski or snowboard, mountain biking or white water rafting, or to visit the legendary Old West, with all its hidden and trapped glories and fables, who, unfortunately

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

IMPROVING BUSINESS Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

IMPROVING BUSINESS Performance - Essay Example The research in this case targets the improvement of performance of the company. The main activity in this case would be the analysis of the current performance of the company to determine the current performance, requirements and the challenges (Maginn 2007, p, 288). The solution of the challenges will result following the formulations of means to transform the challenges into opportunities. The exercise targets the division of the company into sectors of performance. The difficulties will then be determined in regards to the company’s performance. Recommendations for the solution of the problems in every perspective will then be made. Eventually, assessment will be made on the recommendations to pride from more efficient mechanisms for improving the business. Introduction The fact that PIPEWORK plc is an old established UK company, it is not at its performing at its best due to various reasons. The company has challenges with lack of a succession plan that makes it look visi onless. Lack of morale is a characteristic of many stakeholders hence hindering performance. Computerization of functions and departments is lacking leading to discrepancies in accounting and delivery delays. All these would be best addressed using the Business Process Reengineering. Moreover, there exist challenges with status quo who wish to maintain their status hence hindering the capacity of the company to get new technologies and managerial skills. Most of the staff and heads of department are untrained and incompetent leading to low quality products and poor service delivery. These challenges can only be best addressed by the Kaizen approach PIPEWORK plc is a UK based company that is a market leader in the pipework sector. PIPEWORK plc is divided into three divisions namely the Drainage Division, Do-it-yourself (DIY) Division and Boilers Division. Though they are operated as independent business units, with individual balance and profit sheets that are later amalgamated, the company has recorded losses with respect to the previous year’s performances (Patterson et al 2012, p, 624). This year’s turnover was ?700m with a pre-tax profit of ?35m though it is a loss compare to last year’s which was at ?900m with a pre-tax profit of ?50m. The average age of senior management staff being 56 years implies the company lacks in new managerial skills methods in the market. Lack of a succession plan by the Head of Human Resources and Divisional directors is clear indication for lack of a vision in the company. Only two divisions have staff and management appraisal procedures which are long overdue in terms of re-evaluation. In order to have a deeper establish the context for evaluation of PIPEWORK plc, it is vital to consider the vital sections considered for its maximal performance. Drainage Division Overreliance on the olden traditional way of making clay pipes using kilns leads to wastage rates due to fractures and malformation. The fracture s and malformations are as a result of long time the clay takes in the kiln and the fire used. Though the engineers have recently introduced PVC pipes, PIPEWORK lacks the internal resources to develop brand new products. This has made the company incur extra costs to suppliers to help them develop a new plastic pipe making machine to facilitate the division create newfangled products appropriate for present day market. It is expensive to produce the PVC pipes alongside the clay ones. In as much as PIPEWORK has opened a major manufacturing plant in Germany

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparison Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Comparison Critique - Essay Example To begin with, "48 Hours Mystery" is a news program broadcasted by the CBS media house on Saturdays at 10.00 pm. ET/PT. This program was revamped in 2002 after Lesley Stahl took over as the chief host from Dan Rather thus changing its name to â€Å"48 Hours Investigate.† Not so long, the name was again changed to â€Å"48 Hours Mystery in the 2004†, which has remained the program’s name up to date. Under its current single-topic format topic, the program does not use a single host however, it is narrated by a specific narrator assigned to each story that is broadcasted depending on which reporter was assigned which story. The current format of the program mainly deals with real life mysteries that have never been solved as well as crime stories. The program airs investigative pieces that have a sense of reality. Throughout the airing, a focus on the consistency of footage that has been shot weeks apart is always maintained. 48 Hours Mystery’s demands for B roll and interviews with the main characters are always kept the same; thus, nothing jumps of the screen or rather conveys an out-of-place feeling to the viewer. Moreover, the footages are of variety and are usually shot during different times and settings. The picture on the screen has been made warmer with a lot of saturation and contrast as well. The use of colour in the production of the program usually looks tint and the interoperability makes the footages to run efficiently while at the same time keeping their tight timeliness in order. A perfect example of some of the 48 Hour Mystery’s program broadcasted was the special â€Å"9/11: 10 Years Later† episode. The two-hour program recapped most of the 2002 documentary done by two French filmmaking brothers Jules and Gedeon Naudet. These brothers were following a New York City probationary firefighter on a distinctive day when he was rushing to respond to the emergency inside the World Trade Center. Apparently, the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Comparing elements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparing elements - Essay Example "To love him so deeply still; and yet I'm here,"-an excerpt from William Trevor’s â€Å"The Room†, were words uttered by Katherine as a vivid evidence of her will to be free from her smoldering curiosity about the notion of deceit. Her fervor-less affair with an unnamed lover satisfied her curiosity as she finally said, â€Å"So, this is what it felt like for Phair†. Her primary aims were completed, however, she resumed her sexual ventures with her lover and made it as an alibi for her to gain entrance to her lover’s room in which she found a haven that will shield her from her dynamic fears. On the contrary, the entities in â€Å"The Storm† authored by Kate Chopin seemed to take adultery as an archway to cherish freedom. Monsieur Alcee Laballiere  and his wife Clarisse decided to set apart for some time. They esteemed freedom brought about by their provisional separation in different manners. â€Å"Devoted as she was to her husband, their intima te conjugal life was something which she was more than willing to forego for a while† this quote taken from Chopin’s text refers to freedom that served as Clarisse’s respite as she is fervently yearning to have another feel of her lighthearted moments as an unmarried woman.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Situational Analysis of Starbucks Essay Example for Free

Situational Analysis of Starbucks Essay We start off with the organizational analysis’s corporate mission, products and services, leadership Organizational Culture, and Strategy. Next we analyze the firms resources by means of tangible intangible resources, capabilities and core competencies. Then we move into the financials analysis which divides into subcategories such as valuation, growth, profitability, financial strength and management efficiency. The final aspect of the internal analysis is the SWOT analysis which clarifies Starbuck’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The final closure of the Strategic Analysis is the recommendations for both internal and external analysis along with a conclusion. 2. 0. 0History The history of Starbucks starts in Seattle in 1971. (George, 2010) Three friends; Jerry Baldwin, Zev Sigel, and Gordon Bowker, who all had a passion for fresh coffee, opened a small shop and began selling fresh-roasted, gourmet, coffee beans and brewing and roasting accessories. (George, 2010) The company did well, but things began to change in the 80’s. (George, 2010) McDonald’s has no issue with the generating locations and hitting targeted demographics. Primarily because, McDonald’s is the oldest business in the food service industry. The most common demographic in the American trends are the tweens to teens segment. Here, the up and coming teenagers, or teenagers dive into a new hangout place in order to gain the â€Å"feel† and â€Å"experience† the coffee industry offers. Starbucks offers an influence in the youth of America into employment roles or simply influential leisure hangouts for teenagers. Adam Smith’s â€Å"The Wealth of Nations† best defined competition amongst the market as Lassiez Faire â€Å"A philosophy or practice characterized by a usually deliberate abstention from direction or interference especially with individual freedom of choice and action. † However, no single firm, or group of firms, must ultimately have complete power over any industry because that firm would have the power to regulate prices of that particular commodity. (Dept. of Labor, 2011) This would be known as a monopoly. Should a firm be in recognition of monopolistic power, they would be violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in practicing in unfair business practices. (Dept. of Labor, 2011) One example that led to unfair business practices is known as price fixing. (Dept. of Labor, 2011) Price fixing is defined as an agreement between business competitors selling the same product or service regarding its pricing. (Dept. of Labor, 2011) Other pieces of Government regulation is OSHA (Occupational Safety Health Administration). (Dept. f Labor, 2011) Here these laws are backed by the federal governing body of the United States Department of Labor. (Dept. of Labor, 2011) Simple laws here give the employee factions laws to simply abide by in case of any unfair management practices such as quid-pro-quo. All firms must abide by both means of competition and OSHA’s regulator laws. The only real factor in the government/political segment that affects the industry is the EBIT (Earnings Before Interest i n Taxes), because it defines the net worth after gross income a firm can accumulate in the coffee industry.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Why Plagiarism is a serious academic offence

Why Plagiarism is a serious academic offence The plagiarism is identified in student works, the student has been penalized according to plagiarism existing policy by the academic institute in the United Kingdom therefore teachers and students point of view plagiarism is seem as serious academic offence. An the most of international students are not-native speakers and English has a third or second language and due to their earlier education background, grip of English language or communicating as well writing skills are not that standard as an native student, even the culture different play major roll to understand Western Construct of Plagiarism, why the international student facing much challenges then UK students in relation to plagiarism. Why Student Plagiarise: Many international students are not aware regarding plagiarism in their previous education in the home country. On other hand at UK into the class room teacher applying their ideas that student learn academic writing through a process of acquisition Patch writing support their views that students are involving as academic writers, therefore student find difficulty to achieving the balance between reliance on academic books and his own analysis ability. In reality, we are leaving in aged of Information Technology where World Wide Web (WWW) or internet brings the plagiarism for student; the internet has re-articulated the role and meaning of authorship in a number of way or composite techniques. Unfair Practice to Plagiarism In that case, if unintentional plagiarism is a situation where students are unwarily cross the border of academic integrity, now this is the big questions of teacher and academic management weather student will penalized or not, in case of this term plagiarism policy is unfair and practice should be flexible so that students get justice. In this study researcher going to analysis the differences in understanding between home (UK) foundation students and international foundation students as well usefulness of the distinction between intentional and unintentional plagiarism to justice unfair plagiarism practice at UK university through qualitative research. METHODOLOGY The nature of research is subjective so that qualitative research is most suitable for this study and gathering data through pilot questionnaires, with regard to achieving aim of the study issued to comparative statement to plagiarism between international students and UK students and unfair plagiarism practice at UK universities. The questionnaires were set out and design according to findings and self administrative questionnaires distributed to all 38 participants at different colleges and universities campus, included 14 were native students and 24 international students respectively Asians were 10, Africans were 8 and from gulf were 8 and overall respondents rate was 95%. The self administrative questionnaires conducted into the two groups first international students from 14 different countries and subsequent native students within the United Kingdom, the intention of finding and analysis issues of plagiarism and its related topics such as culture and cultural factor, intentional and unintentional plagiarism. All the questions were design in intention of this study and obtained by self administrative questionnaires. International Native Student Plagiarism This chapter intends to investigation and analyzes being collected data through questionnaires and the results explored the key issue in this topic and illustrate appropriate conclusion regarding international student face greater challenges than UK students in relation to plagiarism and unfair practices at UK universities. The table 1 explain that apart from 38 students, 100% native students aware about plagiarism and having a well experience of academic writing where as only 58% international students aware about plagiarism and just 33% students having a experience of academic writing in their under-graduation degree, while 79% native students have a sound knowledge of Harvard references style however just 54% international students knows about Harvard references style. The most of respondents confirmed that they plagiarised and respectively 64% and 63% native and international students copy other people work in their own as well 36% and 46% native and international student copied their some work from internet without acknowledgement, even majority of international student admitted that in your home country from any text book not at problem. In term of culture and plagiarism, 71% international student faces a language and communication skills problem, however respectively 57% and 58% native and international students have a lack of individual value and 57% native and 38% international student having problem with lack of research skills and deep subject knowledge. Respectively 43% and 71% native students has an laziness and overconfident to get works ready within couple of days on other hand 25% and 54% international students has laziness or overconfident on the other side respectively 54% and 50% international students having a pressure to home and they believe to share work with others/friends while just 43% and 29% native students having a pressure from home and believe to share works. Table 1 Results for plagiarism Questions Posed Yes/No Native Students (14) International Students (24) Asian Students (10) African Students (8) Do you know and heard about plagiarism before university Y 14 7 3 N 0 3 5 Do you have educational experience of academic writing in undergraduate Y 14 4 2 N 0 6 6 Do you know what is hardware references style you well informed Y 11 6 3 N 2 4 5 Ever Plagiarised Y 12 9 6 N 2 1 2 Have you copied other people work in your own Y 9 6 5 N 5 4 3 Have you cope and pest from the internet without acknowledgement Y 5 4 5 N 9 6 3 Have you faced a language problem Y 0 7 6 N 14 3 2 Respect of Authority Y 8 9 6 N 6 1 2 Individual Vales (Poor time management, lack of self regulation, fear of failure etc) Y 8 6 4 N 6 4 4 Lack of research skills and deep subject knowledge Y 8 4 3 N 6 6 4 Laziness or Carelessness Y 6 2 3 N 8 8 5 Pressure from home and to write academic standard Y 6 6 3 N 8 4 5 Easier work with friend or sharing work is OK Y 4 6 4 N 10 4 4 Self confident to get work done within couple of days Y 10 4 5 N 4 6 3 Conclusion: The output of this little study describe that international student plagiarism due to, they are not shimmering aware of plagiarism as well references style by the university or college were they attending, even lack of academic writing experiences for their previous study in home country, even some cultural issue such as language problem, lack of research knowledge and presentation skills. Finding from this study students from overseas they cannot easily understand the UK existing practise of Plagiarised so that UK academics intuition should provide and set out the training in referencing skills, academic writing, poor study and research skills and existing plagiarism law. In the regards unfair practice, majority of students unintentionally plagiarised, they are not copy and pest text from the internet, even do not copied work from others and always others works copied from their own words even though lot of students were unintentionally plagiarised in terms of this regards plagiarism practice should be flexible. Part B: This is paragraph about contemporary British people had a rather patronizing attitude with other countries people as well British government policies with the other countries.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Children Learning and Symbolic Play

Children Learning and Symbolic Play Abstract Our understanding of children development and learning is complicated because of the numerous and varied factors that impact it. These include physiological, mental, emotional, social, linguistic, cognitive, socio-cognitive, and cultural aspects. Two of the most considerable theories on the growth and development of cognitive thinking in children were proposed by Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Both offered explanations for childrens cognitive learning styles and abilities; their explanations and ideas have significantly contributed to the field of learning and instructions. While they have different views into the cognitive development in children, Piaget and Vygotsky both emphasized that much of childrens early learning is achieved through play and symbolic play in particular. The objective of this paper is to examine the major constructs of Piaget and Vygotsky theories about cogitative development in children and to evaluate the implications of their theories for instructions and sy mbolic play practices for children in preschool (kindergarten) age. Cognitive Development Theories: Children Learning and Symbolic Play Cognitive development refers to the development of the ability to think and reason. It is the transformation of the childs undifferentiated, unspecialized cognitive abilities into the adults conceptual competence and problem-solving skills (Driscoll, 2005). For many psychologists, cognitive development answers the questions about how children moves toward reaching the endpoint of gaining the adults skills, what stages they are pass through and how do changes in their thinking occur and what role dose learning play? Among many theories that are introduced to explain the children cognitive and knowledge development, Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky proposed the most influential theories that contributes to this component of psychology. Their theories underlined that the way the children learn and mentally grow has a critical role in their learning progress and abilities development. Piaget and Vygotsky were considered as constructivists who believed that learning occurs as a result of mental construction and by fitting the new information into the cognitive structure (scheme) that the learners already have (Driscoll, 2005). Constructivism approach also suggests that learning is affected by the context in which knowledge transfer occurs and by learners beliefs and attitudes . Piaget and Vygotsky also agreed on the societal influences in cognitive growth; however, they differ in the learning progression process. Piaget believed that children learn by interacting with their surroundings but with no impo rtance for the input from others and that learning occurs after development; Vygotsky, on the other hand, held the idea that learning happens before development and that children learn through history and symbolism and they value the input from their surroundings (Slavin, 2003). Further, it is imperative for teachers to understand the progression of cognitive development and the constructs of the major theories in the field in order to be able to attend the unique needs of each child and to develop the learning program, instructions plans and classroom activities in a developmentally appropriate approach. Kindergarten program is an example of these learning programs that is of particular interest because it influences children in very young age and shapes their cognitive development journey. Kindergarten learning programs should be designed on the natural approach for children learning as suggested by the cognitive development theories. The natural approach suggests that the physical, socio-emotional and cognitive development of children depends on activity and interactions with others (Driscoll, 2005). This means the play is a key aspect of the Kindergarten learning programs and that is seen as phenomenon of thoughts and activity growth (Piaget, 1951). Play consists of activities performed for self-amusement that have behavioral, social, and psychomotor rewards. Play is directed towards the child, and the rewards come from within the individual child; it is enjoyable and spontaneous. Children engage in different types of play depending upon situations and different needs. Types of play range from physical play which involves jumping, running and other physical activities to the surrogate play at which ill children watch others play on their behalf. They also range from inactive observation play to active associative in group play that requires planning and co operation. Play types also include expressive play which involves playing with materials (such as clay, play dough,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) and the manipulative play that gives children the measure of control over others and their environment (for example, to throw a toy out of a cot, watch a parent pick it up, and then throw it out again). Symbolic play (also be referred to as dramat ic play) is another important type of play at which children enact scenes where they substitute one object for another (for example, a child will use a stick to represent a spoon or a hair brush to represent a microphone). This kind of pretend play takes on various forms: The child may pretend to play using an object to represent other objects, playing without any objects and pretending that they are indeed present. Or the child may pretend to be someone else and imitate adults and experiment what it means to be an adult in a role they are exposed to in their surrounding environment (for example, mother, father, care-giver, doctor and so on). They may also pretend through other inanimate objects (e.g. a toy horse kicks another toy horse). Symbolic play in children can usually be observed during the beginning of the second year of life and it has been linked through the studies and experiments to the cognitive problem solving skills, creative abilities, and emotional well-being. In the following sections of this paper, the major constructs and ideas proposed by Piaget and Vygotsky theories will be examined in relation to symbolic play for cognitive and knowledge development of children; and the implications of each theory for instruction and practice in Kindergarten educational settings. Theories of Cognitive Development: Piaget and Vygotsky It is a fact that most of the methods and approaches for teaching are driven from Piaget and Vygotsky research studies. They both offer teachers good proposals on how to teach certain learning materials in appropriate approach that matches the child developmentally conditions. Piaget (1896-1980) believed that children progress through an invariant sequence of four stages. Theses stages are not arbitrary but are assumed to reflect qualitative differences in children cognitive abilities (Driscoll, 2005, p.149). He proposed that each stage must represent a significant qualitative and quantitative change in children cognitive and that children progress through these stages in a culturally invariant sequence. Each stage will include the cognitive structures and abilities (schemes) of the previous stages (constructivism) which all will act as an integrated cognitive structure (accumulated knowledge) at that given stage (Driscoll, 2005). These schemes can be alerted, changed or developed through assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation occurs when a child perceives new objects or events in term of existing scheme (Driscoll, 2005); in other words, within information the child already knows. Accommodation occurs when existing schemes are modified to adopt (or fit in) a new experience or information. If the new information doesnt fit or it conflicts with the existing scheme then the disequilibrium occurs. Equilibrium, however, is the master developmental process which encompasses both assimilation and accommodation and prepares for the child transaction from one state of the development to the next (Driscoll, 2005). Piaget stages of development are: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations and formal operations. Sensorimotor stage is over the period between the birth to two years. During this stage, the child experiences the surrounding world through the senses and movement. The child develops object permanence which refers to the ability to understand an object exist even if it is not in field of vision (Woolfolk, 2004). Toward the end of this period, children begin to mentally represent object and events but to that point they only can act and during the transaction to the mental representation, they may use simple motor indicators as symbols for other events (Driscoll, 2005). They also begin to understand that their actions could cause another actions developing a goal-director behavior; for an example, throwing a toy from the cot to make parents pick the toy and pressing the doll button to make the sound and so on (kind of the manipulative play). Preoperational stage extends from the child second year to seventh year. According to Piaget, children have not yet mastered the ability of mental operation or to think through the actions (Woolfolk, 2004) but they acquire the semiotic function early in this period. This means that they are able to mentally represent the objects and events, as evidenced in their imitation of some activities long after it occurred (Driscoll, 2005). Hence, pretending, or symbolic play, is highly characteristic stage and the language acquisitions. One more interesting idea proposed by Piaget is that during this stage children are considered to be egocentric assuming that others share their points of view and which makes them engage in self monologue with no interacting with others (Woolfolk, 2004). Concrete operations period that is from seventh year to eleventh, is characteristic to be the hands-on period at which children overcome the limitation of egocentrism and learn through discovery learning while working (operating) with real tangible objects (Woolfolk, 2004). They become more internalized and able to create logical-mathematical knowledge resulting in operations (Driscoll, 2005). Formal operation occurs from eleventh year to adulthood and at which propositional logic is developed. Reaching this stage, children (who become adult) should be able to not only to think hypothetically but to plan systematic approaches to solve problems (Driscoll, 2005). The acquisition of the met-cognitive (thinking about thinking) is also an important characteristic of the formal operations. Piaget also believed in the active role of the child during development. He proposed that children act on their own environment and cognitive is rooted in the action (Driscoll, 2005). He acknowledged the social interaction aspect of the children development but only to move the child away from egocentrism to develop the social knowledge that can be learned only from other people (language, moral rules, values..). Although, Piaget theory of cognitive development proposed an integrated and beneficial framework for children learning that can be utilized by educators and parents to influence and enrich the learning process of the children; the theory has faced serious challenges and especially in the recent years with the contemporary research add to this filed. For an example, Piaget believed that all children, regardless of the culture, progress through four stages and once particular stage is reached, the regression to earlier stage cant occur. Replications of Piagets experiments have shown that children in different cultures do not pass through the same types of reasoning suggested in Piaget stages (Driscoll, 2005). Moreover, there are people, in any culture, who fail to reason at the formal operation level; we experience interacting with these people in our day-to-day life in personal and professional levels. Also, Piaget claimed that there must be a qualitative discontinues change in cognit ive from stage to stage; this has been questioned with the ability to accelerate development and the studies and experiments showed that that children can learn more than Piaget thought they could (Siegler Svetina 2002 as cited in Driscoll, 2005). One more is that children dont exhibit the characteristics of each stage; for example, children are sometimes egocentric beyond the proportional stage and the preoperational children are not egocentric all the time (Driscoll, 2005). However and despite these challenges, understanding Piagets proposed stages and development sequence suggests useful and effective certain learning and teaching strategies at each level. Example of these strategies as implications of Piaget theory will be discussed in the next section. Vygotsky (1896 -1943) proposed an alternative to the Piaget stages of cognitive development, he stated that children learn mainly by social interactions and their culture plays a major role to shape their cognitive (woolfolk, 2004). He believed that individual development could not be understood without reference to the social and cultural context within which such development is embedded (Driscoll, 2005, p.250). His theory suggests a co -constructed process of social interactions at which through children move toward individualized thinking. When a child receives a help through this process, her or she may be able to develop better strategy in the future to deal with a similar problem. This co-constructed channel of communications between the child and his culture will lead to internalization and eventually to independent thinking (Woolfolk, 2004). A good example to understand social dialogue and internalization is what introduced by Vygotsky himself and cited in Driscoll (2005) One a child stretching out her hand for an object she cant quite reach, an adult interprets the gesture of pointing and responds accordingly. Until the adult responds, the child is simply grasping for an object out of reach, however, the situation change with the adult respond to be a social exchange and the act of grasping takes on a shared meaning of pointing. When a child internalizes the meaning and uses the gesture as pointing, the interpersonal activity has been transferred into intrapersonal one. (p.252). The zone of proximate development is another principle introduced by Vygotsky. He agreed with Piaget that there is knowledge and skills associated with the child developmentally range of understanding, but he believed that with given help and support, children can perform problems that Piaget would consider out of their staged mental capabilities (Woolfolk, 2004). Scaffolding is the technique proposed by Vygotsky to support the discovery learning through social interaction and in the zone of approximate development. Scaffolding entails providing the child with a hint or clue for the problem solving and encouraging childs thinking in order to allow him or her to better approach the problem in the future. Further, Vygotsky highlighted the importance of the mediation cultural tools to support learning and higher-level processing in children. These cultural signs and tools involve technological, symbolic and any available resource that aids in social communication (language, signs, symbols, media television, computer, booksà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Although the tools at hand may include sophisticated toys, children are successful at creating imaginary situations with sticks and other common objects in their environment. This leads into the symbolic play as a strategy for children teaching. Driscoll (2005) noted that in play, Vygotsky argued, children stretch their conceptual abilities and begin to develop a capacity for abstract thought; the signs they establish in their imaginations, in other word, can make up a very complex symbol system, which they communicate through verbal and nonverbal gestures(P.259). The development of language is another major principle that is proposed by Vygotsky s theory. Althoug didnt address specific implications for instruction of language, he believed that language constitutes the most important sign-using behavior to occur during the cognitive development and this is because it frees children from the constraints of their immediate environment. The language of a certain group of people reflects their own cultural beliefs and value system and children initially associate the words meaning to their contexts and life aspects till they learn to abstract the word from a particular concrete context (decontextualization). This process of decontextualization must occur with any symbol system if it is to serve higher mental functions such as reasoning (Driscoll, 2005, p. 259-260). Once again, Vygotsky suggested that symbolic play is important for language learning in young children. He also emphasized the importance of the private speech as a self-directed regula tion and communication with the self to guide actions and aid in thinking; this is in contrast to Piaget who viewed privative speech as egocentric (or immature) (Woolfolk, 2004). Undoubtedly, both Piaget and Vygotsky provided educators with influential insights and important views on the cognitive development in children. Piaget suggested that the children progress through maturation stages and discovery learning with minimal social impact. Vygotsky, from other hand, stressed the importance of the cultural context and language on cognitive development. The following will browse, in general, some implications of the both theories for instructions in different educational settings then more specific for symbolic play in kindergarten. Implications for Instructions of Piaget and Vygotsky Educators and school systems have been applying the cognitive development theories of Piaget and Vygotsky in classrooms teaching for some time. The most important implications of the both theories are that the learning environment should support the discovery-learning and that child should be effectively involved in the learning process. They stressed the role of peer interaction and the symbolic play. Both also agreed that development may be triggered by cognitive conflict; this entails adopting instructional strategies that make children aware of conflicts and inconsistencies in their thinking (Driscoll, 2005). A good example of this would be the Socratic Dialogs which fosters the critical thinking through a series of questions and answers that enable learner to develop the understanding of the learning materials. However, Piaget and Vygotsky differ in the way to guide the children in the discovery learning. Piaget recommended a very little teacher interference while Vygotsky prompted the teacher to guide the discovery learning offering questions to students and having them discover the answer by testing different options (Scaffolding). According to Piaget, teachers dealing with children in preoperational stage (like in kindergarten) are encouraged to incorporate the play as a pedagogic strategy; in play children are engaged in active self-discovery activities employing concrete object or symbolically. It also helps to understand that and since the children in this stage have not yet mastered the mental operations, the teacher should not only use action and verbal short instructions but also to demonstrate these instructions. Using visual aid is very important in this stage to create attractive and discovery-oriented learning environment (Driscoll, 2005). Moreover, is to pay attention to the egocentrism in this stage as suggested by Piaget and the teacher to be sensitive that children may not realize that not everyone shares their view or understand the word they invented (Woolfolk, 2004). It is important to in the stage to provide the children with a range of experiences and knowledge to build the foundation (basic scheme) for concept learning and languages those children are expected to master in coming stages. Teaching children in the concrete operation stage should involve hands-on learning at which children have the opportunity to test and manipulate objects, perform experiments and solve problems in order to develop logical and analogical thinking skills. Teacher should consider using familiar examples to explain the complex ideas and this is by linking to the existing knowledge of the learners (scheme). While teaching the students in formal operations stage requires teachers to offer student open-ended projects that enhance their advanced problem solving and reasoning skills. It is critical in this stage for the teachers to help learners understanding of the broad concepts and their applications in the real life. The teachers applying Vygotsky teaching methods would be very active player in their students education. The most popular technique to be utilized is the scaffolding at which teachers will provide assistance and the feedback as the knowledge source to support learning of new information. The teachers then will not present information in one sided way but will provide the guidance and assistance required for learners to bridge the gap between their skills level and the desired skills; when they are able to complete tasks on their own, the guidance and support will be withdrawn (Greenfield, 1984 cited in Driscoll 2005). Also teachers applying Vygotsky theory utilized the meditation tools and teach students how to use these tools in their learning (computers, books,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Vygotsky emphasized the language and other sign systems (such as symbolic playing) as important tools for children learning. Language is the cultural communication tool that transmits history and cultural va lues between individuals and from parents and teachers toward children. Most importantly, is incorporating the group or peer learning as an important source of cognitive development. A good application of Vygotsky principles of social learning and the zone of approximate development zone is the strategy at which teachers encourage children with varying level of knowledge to help each other by allowing the child who master the skill to teach and guide his or her peer who still trying to master this skill. It is evident to be an effective learning strategy not only in children learning but also in adult learning. Piaget also believed that peer interactions are essential in helping children move beyond the egocentric and that children are more effective to provide information and feedback to other children about the validity of their logical constructions (Driscoll, 2005); hence the instructional strategies are favored that encourage peer teaching and social negotiation. Applying Piaget or Vygotsky, the teachers main goal should be to support learners and to provide the assistance plan that fulfill the learner needs and promote his thinking skills and cognitive development. Teachers should also prepare the learning environment that attracts children attention and encourages their self-discovery. The instruction plan should be designed on the premises that classrooms have students with different cultural, linguistic and knowledge backgrounds. In preparing learning activities, teachers should be able to get children to play and learn collaboratively and enhance their understanding through teacher feedback, peer feedback and social negotiation. Symbolic Play: Cognitive and Language Development As introduced, the cognitive development theories encourage play and symbolic play-in particular- as a pedagogic strategy for active self learning and language development. In play, the children initiate and take control of their activity (Driscoll, 2005); and this very nature of play along with other criteria are what distinguish play from other behaviors: play is essentially motivated with self-imposed goals, play is activity of spontaneous and pleasure, play is free from imposed rules, player is an active participants in the play; play focuses on means rather than ends, play is characteristics by the as if dimension that encourages children to use objects and gestures as if they were something else ( Hymans, 1991 ; Fein Rivikin as cited in Yan, Yuejuan Hongfen, 2005; Piaget, 1951; Rubin, Waston Jambor, 1978). In symbolic play that starts in second year of life, children use tools of objects, actions, language, signs and roles to represent something from their real or imagined world of experiences. It enables the children to build and express their understanding of either individual or social experience (Driscoll, 2005; Hymans, 1991; Lenningar, n.d; Lyytinen, Poikkeus Laakso, 1997; Piaget, 1951; Woolfolk, 2004). Symbolic play indicates that the child developed the two main cognitive operations: reversibility and decentralization; reversibility refers to the child awareness that he or she can come from the pretended role to the real world at any time while decentralization refers to the child understanding that the child in the play is still him/her at the same time with the person he/she is imitating (Rubin 1980 as cited in Marjanovic Lesnic, 2001). The next intellectual skill noticeable in the symbolic play is conservation which refers to the child ability to preserve the imaginary iden tity of the play materials despite the fact they are perceptually and could be functionally inadequate (Marjanovic Umek Lesnic Musek, 2001). The social element of the symbolic play is also a very important aspect to be considered for the cognitive development in the children. According to Vygotsky, children learn to use the tools and skills they practice with social parents; he also emphasized that learning occurs in social interactions and it is affected cultural context it occurs at. He further proposed that social interaction could lead to developmental delays or abnormal development as well as to normal or accelerated development (Driscoll, 2005). Piaget also highlighted the importance of social interaction for the children to develop beyond the egocentrism that is a characteristic of pre operational stage. The impact of symbolic play in this dimension is supported by Smilansky (1968) studies at which she proposed that social activities influence the development of the childs cognitive and social skills. When children are engaged in a role performance; they have to reach a agreement about the play idea, the course of actions and the transformation of roles and play materials and this can only be achieved when individuals come over their egocentrism and develop the ability to communicate and empathize (cited in Marjanovic Umek Lesnic Musek, 2001). Smilansky then developed the Scale for Evaluation of Dramatic and Socio-Dramatic Play; the scale tracks the progressive development in the use of the objects in the symbolic play over five stages. The first stage includes simple manipulation followed by the stage of imitating the adults activities of adults by using the model of the object as adult do (as using the hair brush as a microphone). In the third stage, the object becomes an instrument for enacting certain roles while in the forth stage the use of object/toy goes together with the speech and gestures. The final stage focuses in the speech without using objects or gestures (Smilansky 1968; Smilansky Shefatya, 1990 as cited in Marjanovic Umek Lesnic Musek, 2001). Smilansky scale supported also the role of symbolic play in the language development that was firstly proposed by Vygotsky and this language-play relation has been investigated all the way since then. The research studies discussed the component of the language in the context of symbolic play and mainly in the role playing part of it. In role playing, children engage in a communication dialogue with their playing parties. It is evident that the role playing and object transformations enable the childe to use lexicographic meanings and clear speech (Pellegrini Galda as cited in Marjanovic Umek Lesnic Musek, 2001). According to Lyytinen, Poikkeus and Lassko (1997); their study to observe and examine the relationship between language and play among 110 18-month-old children showed that early talkers of these children displayed significant more symbolic play than the late talkers ; a significant connection was found between the language comprehensive and percentage of symbolic play. Th is is supported by the study conducted by Marjanovic Umek and Lesnic Musek (2001) at which they compared three age groups of children in preschool settings with different level of play using Smilanskys Scale for the Evaluation of Dramatic and Socio-dramatic Play; the observations and results proved stronger use of the language in the function of defining roles, scenes and materials that are required for the play context. More interesting studies looked into the implications of symbolic play for the education of children with special needs and disorders such as Down syndrome and Autism. Example of these studies is the study conducted Stanley and Kinstantareas (2006) who investigated the relationship between symbolic play and other domains such as nonverbal cognitive abilities, receptive language, expressive language and social development among 131 children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The result indicates a significant positive relation between symbolic play and development of these domains in children with (ASD). The study also stressed that training in symbolic play will help to improve these children skills in other domains (Stanley Kinstantareas , 2006). Another recent study conducted by Venuti, Falco, Giusti and Bronstein (2008) to investigate the impact of mother-child interaction in the play on the cogitative functions of children with Down Syndrome concluded that such inter action leads to enhanced cognitive functioning (Venuti, Falco, Giusti Bronstein , 2008). Symbolic play, then, inked through the literature to the development of cognitive problem solving skills, linguistic transformation and creative abilities. It also supports the emotional and social development. Role playing is evident to be a way of coping with emotional conflict through which children can escape into a fantasy world in order to make sense out of the real one. From different aspect, it enhances the child self awareness and self directed; when a parent or sibling plays a board game with a child, shares a bike ride, plays baseball, or reads a story, the child learns self-importance. The childs self -esteem gets a boost. Parents send positive messages to their child when they communicate pleasure in providing him or her with daily care. From these early interactions, children develop a vision of the world and gain a sense of their place in it. In term of social development, the children enjoy playful interactions with others staring with parents through which they learn their culture values and aspects. Interaction with other children helps the children helps children to learn about boundaries, taking turns, teamwork, and competition. Children also learn to negotiate with different personalities and the feelings associated with winning and losing. They learn to share, wait, and be kind. Some of the more common functions of play are to facilitate physical and moral development. Physical play develops both fine and gross motor skills. During play, children repeat certain body movements purely for pleasure, and these movements develop body muscles and control. Moreover, when children engage in play with their peers and families, they begin to learn the acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. During playing with peers, they learn that taking turns is rewarding and cheating is not; they learn to appreciate teamwork, share and respect others feelings. Therefore, models of children learning and preschool education in professional settings are mainly driven from different understanding and implications of symbolic play which are in turn based on the premises of different cognitive development theories. Play and Learning: Educational Framework in Kindergarten Settings Children learn through play is the golden rule that any educational frameworks in the preschool (Kindergarten) settings should revolve around. According to the theories and studies

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Modern Witchcraft :: Witchcraft Witches Magic Essays

Modern Witchcraft Magical Manipulation Many witches do not believe in spirits, and most if not all reject belief in a literal Devil or demons. Naturally, therefore, they reject the idea that sorcery and divination are accomplished by the agency of evil spirits. Many offer naturalistic explanations for the working of magic and divination and other "psychic technologies." On the whole, the occult community today has expanded its definition of "the natural" to incorporate elements that were earlier considered supernatural, placing them in the category of the super- or paranormal instead. Yet, they are still involved in the "old ways" -- that is, the occult. Now You See it, Now You Don't What has happened in the occult world in the past two or more decades is just what C. S. Lewis described in his classic work, The Screwtape Letters -- which portrays an experienced demon (Screwtape) writing letters of advice to a novice demon (Wormwood): I have great hopes that we shall learn in due time how to emotionalize and mythologize their science to such an extent that what is, in effect, a belief in us, (though not under that name) will creep in while the human mind remains closed to belief in the Enemy [i.e., God]. The "Life Force," the worship of sex, and some aspects of Psychoanalysis, may here prove useful. If once we can produce our perfect work -- the Materialist Magician, the man, not using, but veritably worshipping, what he vaguely calls "Forces" while denying the existence of "spirits" -- then the end of the war will be in sight. (1) Lewis's insights on the insidious strategy of Satan -- the archenemy of our souls -- appear to have been right on target in regard to modern occultism. (2) When observations like Lewis's are made, however, it is not uncommon to hear remarks to the effect that Christians attribute to the supernatural everything they cannot comprehend -- if it cannot be understood, it must be the Devil. However, this charge is unwarranted. While it is unfortunately true that some Christians tend to hyperspiritualize events and exclaim "the Devil did it," or "the Devil made me do it," this is certainly not the case with all. Many Christians have pointed out alleged demonic (or divine) occurrences which were -- in fact -- instances of fraud, anomalies, psychosomatic phenomena, auto- or heterosuggestion, and so forth. (3) Such Christians have demystified baffling occurrences and accounted for them by their natural causes.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

An organisation may host a corporate event for a number of reasons. A party could be appropriate for launching a new product. Alternatively, a social gathering might be management’s way of showing appreciation for employees. Regardless of its purpose, such an occasion needs careful planning. Numerous details need to be attended to. However, these important considerations are worth noting. Food Food is an asset in any event. This is especially true if that seminar or gala will last for several hours. People with empty stomachs won’t be in a party food. So it’s important that they have something to nibble on. The following factors normally affect food selection. †¢ Time of the party †¢ Weather †¢ Number of guests While it’s not mandatory, many party planners opt for delicacies that match the theme. They rely on restaurants, which offer essential catering ( services, to execute this. If it’s Halloween bash, for instance, expect to see a pumpkin cheese ball or white meringue ghosts on the menu. Be mindful of guests that have specific dietary requir...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Level 3 Childcare Education Essay

Describe the initiatives which influence the provision of challenging environments for children (5 marks) There are different types of international, national and local initiatives which influence the provision of challenging environments for children. An example of an initiative is the Forest Schools. ‘A Forest School is an innovative educational approach to outdoor play and learning’ http://www. forestschools. om/what-happens-at-a-forest-school/ Forest schools can influence the provision of a challenging environment, as the teachers can take the children in small groups every week to the local woods to have a better understanding of the outdoor environment and it’s linked to the curriculum. By doing this it enables children to be able to be in a safe environment when exploring and having adventures so they can see what things they can do when they go into the woods next time. It can also help children with problems such as language problems as this allows them to speak about the experience they are having which can then be taken to the classroom and then it could be turned into a story to help the child. When going into the woods it helps to cater the behaviour for the problem children and it also teaches children when they can and can’t mess around. It also focuses on the fundamental aspect of the Forest School innovation educational approach. The Forest School provides ways for meeting learning objectives while developing practical life skills and encouraging child-initiated learning, which is observed and assessed. Lots of young children prefer to be outside than in the classroom environment because they can find it more exciting and they might pay more attention. Word Count- 240

Monday, September 16, 2019

How well do you communicate Essay

I am considered to be a communicative person who established an outstanding raport with others. I am able to listen deeply to people,to help them ,to share my experience with them. Many of them tell me I am a good listener and when I talk they usually listen to me. What is important for a good communication? You need to take into consideration the point of view of others. I respect their opinion,but I respect my opinion as well.. I understand how people interpret my communicative style and I am able to avoid misunderstanding. I sometimes handle children hassles effectively. People usually understand my thoughts and I can nderstand theirs.. The tone of my voice sometimes communicates how I feel about my partner. Determining a communication problem is not very hard for me and I am often able to resolve it. I usually speak in a gentle manner,to give an impression of kindness. I often stay calm in tense situations. I can express my feelings and tell people close to me how much I care about them. My relationship with my family is full of emotion and devotion. Many people think I am a friendly and expansive person. I often know how to cooperate with them and they usually do what I want them to do. Read more:  Reasons why people communicate  essay However,I have not always been so successful. I was shy when I was younger and did not speak with assertion. It was hard for me to express my thoughts,it was hard for others to know how I felt about something. Later,I improved my communication skills. During my experience,I began to speak louder and people could understand me. I listened to others more carefully. I learned that it is important to avoid passive style of communication. I also learned to speak with more assertion because my own opinion is as important as the opinion of other people. I usually tell people to stay calm in unpleasant situations in order to avoid misunderstanding or aggressive communication. This style enables me to communicate effectively. I discovered that my body language and some gestures I made earlier affected my communication in a bad way. Eye contact is extremely important as it shows respect and interest for the person you are talking to. In addition to this,posture is another important aspect of dealing with others and sometimes it affected my communication. I learned to get my posture right which made me feel better. By finding out the major cause of communication breakdown,I could easily improve it. Being aware of the importance of a successful communication,I am trying to find the ways to improve my communication skills. For example,using body language may lead to great communication. This is especially useful when I am not sure how to start a conversation. In addition to this,I need to be clear about what I want to communicate. I also need to be confident that the information if useful and accurate. By successfully getting my message accross,I convey my thoughts effectively .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Understand Child and Young Persons Develpment

Understand Child and Young Person Development. Core 3. 1 1. 1 The term â€Å"Sequence† of child development refers to the how we expect a child to develop from the day it was born to the age of 19. Child Development is the biological, physiological and all the emotional changes that happen during these formative years as the child goes from dependency to autonomy. These changes could be hugely influenced by genetics, events that occur whilst in the womb and during prenatal development and are usually included in most studies of child development.Developmental changes are different. They occur as a result of a genetically controlled process called maturation or as a result of environmental factors and learning (home life and school for example) but these changes most commonly happen as a result of a combination of them both. It can also be a result of â€Å"human nature† which is the ability of the growing child to in fact learn from their environment. Human beings and e specially children have a keen sense to adapt to their surroundings and this is what child development covers and includes.A child’s development is continually happening and can be measured in many different ways and although the child will develop at different rates and in different ways, the sequence in which this happens will follow the same sort of pattern . This is because in most examples they need to learn one skill before they can move onto the next. An example is walking. The child will need to learn to walk before they can run or jump etc. Development in children is more rapid in the early stages with many milestones happening in quick succession.This slows down as the child becomes a young adult with the milestones becoming further apart. (Cache children and young people’s workforce p49) The table below looks more closely at the aspects of child development. THE DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES CHART Age| Intellectual| Social / Emotional| Language| Gross motor| Fine Mot or| Infant – Birth to one year| Uses hands and mouth to learn| Forms a bond with parents, will begin to recognise faces and smiles, at about 6months will recognise parents and be fearful of strangers. | Starts being ocal and using terms such as â€Å"mammy and daddy†| Lifts head first then chest, rolls over, pulls to sit, crawls and stands alone| Reaches for objects and picks up small items, clutches onto toys, e. g. Rattle | Toddler 1-2 years| Begins to learn words for objects and people| Learns that self and parent(s) are different or separate from each other, imitates and performs tasks, indicates needs or wants without crying| Can follow simple instructions and say more words than just â€Å"mammy and daddy†| Can walk, stop, jump and throw things like a ball. Unbuttons clothes, builds tower of 4 cubes, scribbles, uses spoon, picks up very small object| Preschool2-5 years| Understands things such as tired, hungry and cold, recognises colours, becomes aware of numbers and letters| Begins to separate easily from parent(s), dresses with assistance, washes and dries hands, plays interactive games like tag. follows directions, can make simple sentences of two or three words, vocabulary increases Names pictures| Runs well, hops, pedals tricycle, balances on one foot| Buttons Clothes, builds tower of 8 cubes, copies simple figures or letters| School age 5-12 years| Develops understanding of numeracy and literacy concepts, learns relationship between objects and feelings, acquires knowledge and understanding| Acts independently, but is emotionally close to parent(s) dresses without help, join same sex play groups and clubs| Defines words, know and describes what things are made of, vocabulary increases| Skips, balances on one foot for 10 seconds, overestimates physical abilities| Draws person with 6 parts, copies detailed figures and objects| 12-18 years| Understands abstract concepts like illness and death, develops understanding of complex id eas| Experiences rapidly changing moods and behaviour, interested in peer group almost exclusively, distances from parent(s) emotionally, concerned with body image, likely to have first sexual relationship| Uses increased vocabulary, understands more abstract concepts like grief| May appear awkward and clumsy while learning to deal with rapid increases in size due to growth spurts| Fully developed| 18 +years| Continues to develop the ability to make good decisions and to understand the complexity of human relationships| Becomes independent form parent(s), own lifestyle, and career, social and economic changes, develop interests, chooses a partner, becomes a parent. | Continues to develop knowledge and vocabulary of different styles of language used| Fully developed| Fully developed| (Cache Children and young people’s workforce p51-66) 1. 2Child development is the term used to describe how the child will grow through a progression of developmental milestones. All children are believed to follow the same sequence of growth (the child will crawl, then stand, then walk for example) this is called the normative pattern. What we need to know is that not all children follow this pattern and for example some children will miss out stages altogether. One example of this is blind children and some children may decide to bottom shuffle and not bother with the â€Å"crawling phase†. The traditional approach to monitoring this is to use this normative measure which as I have mentioned already is the milestones in which we measure our child’s development.These actually only show what most children can do and in reality many factors such as genetic, cultural and social factors will all have an effect on the child’s development and it is important we take this into account before labelling children â€Å"advanced or backward. † The sequence of development refers to the stages of which a child develops; the rate of development is how fast the child is expected to achieve these developmental milestones. It is important to realise that the normative measurements can only indicate general trends and cannot be taken as â€Å"normal† . It is very important to realise that while the sequence of development may be somewhat the same in most children, the rate or speed in which the child develops can vary in many ways.Things that have a massive effect on the rate of a child’s development can include environment (home life) culture (religious beliefs), ability, the amount of stimulation a child receives and input (from parents for example). It is important to understand the difference between the rate and the sequence of a child’s development as this will equip you with the knowledge you need in order to plan effectively with your child and will help you identify any concerns which you may have within the developmental process. (Cache Children and young people’s workforce) 2. 1-2. 2 A child’s gr owth and development can be affected by many factors, with some having more of an affect than others.They can be split into two categories which I will go into more depth later. These are Personal factors (such as genetics and health related issues) and External factors (such as poverty, family life, personal choice and social interaction. ) Below is a diagram illustrating things which can affect a child’s development? Disability or special needs. Inherited (downs) or chronic (Autism) Disability or special needs. Inherited (downs) or chronic (Autism) Finances (living in poverty) Finances (living in poverty) Education (home schooled, private or state) Education (home schooled, private or state) Cultural background (Religion or beliefs) Cultural background (Religion or beliefs)Health status, Antenatal issues (smoking, drinking, drugs) Health status, Antenatal issues (smoking, drinking, drugs) Social class (lower, working, upper) Social class (lower, working, upper) Genetics, Bi rth problems Genetics, Birth problems Family Environment and background (loving or divorced parents) Family Environment and background (loving or divorced parents) Gender Gender Interpersonal Relationships Interpersonal Relationships Personal Factors influencing development. Genetic Influences Many studies believe it is both our environment and our genetics which will mould us into the person we ultimately become. Our chromosomes are where we find our genes.Parents pass these onto their children via their cells (the sperm and the egg). Alleles are different versions of the same gene and it’s this which can determine distinctive features such as eye colour, but also it is this which could lead to the inheritance of disorders such as cystic fibrosis. A baby’s development is also affected during pregnancy(before the birth) ,at the time of the birth and after the birth. Examples include a woman not knowing she is pregnant in the early stages and carrying on with all her ba d habits (drinking, smoking, drug taking and diet. ) It’s at these crucial first 12 weeks in the uterus when all the essential organs are being formed. This is called the antenatal period.A child being born before term (37 weeks) and therefore is born prematurely may need intensive care and this could affect development. Health Status A child’s health status can have a great effect on how it develops. This is determined by genetic inheritance but can also be affected by factors such as diet, environment, and what health care they receive. Some children are born with conditions which affect their development (these include Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis and heart defects). Other illnesses which may develop over time( including asthma and diabetes) will also have an effect on the child’s development if for example they have frequent visits to the hospital and miss school or their activaties are restricted because of their condition.External Factors Influencing Dev elopment. Poverty This is the single biggest thing that threatens the healthy development of children and young people in Great Britain and can have an effect on all areas of a child’s development (Physical, Intellectual, Language, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual. ) This threat is part of the â€Å"cycle of deprivation† where poorer families will tend to live in poorer housing; they may also have a poor diet which will not provide all the right vitamins and minerals which will affect the child’s immune system which will have a knock on affect to the increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. Other things which are linked to poverty are:Accidents and illness: Children from poorer backgrounds are four times more likely to have an accident than those from higher up the social ladder. Quality of life: many children from lower classes have none or little toys, meals and clothes Poor diet: As I mentioned above a poor diet comes hand in hand with low income fami lies as they more times than not have to buy the cheaper brands or processed convenience foods. Space to live and play: poorer children are more likely to be limited in their play space as the housing which they live will is more likely to be small and substandard. Growth: Poorer children are more likely to be smaller at birth and shorter in height. Education: Children from the lower classes are more likely to have poor attendance and less likely to do well.Long Term Effects: As adults they are more likely to be homeless, be unemployed, and become involved in drug abuse, offending or be in abusive relationships. Social Interaction There is a lot of research to show that social isolation or a lack or opportunity’s to socialise ( playgroup, family members, mother and baby groups, toddler groups) can lead to early child development issues such as speech problems , the inability to share or in fact the ability to socialise with people in a civilised manner. The social environment in which a child is raised can have a dramatic effect on their development. An example of this would be a child who has had no contact with neighbours, family members or classmates.Family Environment and background The situation at home will have a huge effect on a young person or child’s development. A child may seem physically healthy but if they are unhappy and are not enjoying their time at home this is will most definitely be affecting their development. Things a child needs include: Love and affection: A child needs unconditional love and affection from their primary carers whoever this may be (Parents, Grandparents, Foster Parents etc. ) A child needs to feel safe and secure. Stimulation: a child needs the right amount of stimulation for healthy growth and development. Too little or too much will result in unhealthy developmentOpportunities to play: It is common sense that all children need to play to develop, then on from that, young people need to be given the oppor tunity to socialise and have leisure opportunity’s (such as learning an instrument or joining a sports club). A child’s social and emotional development is majorly influenced by the foundations which the family unit creates. Most parents will provide a nurturing unconditional loving family environment where their child will embrace and flourish within it. There are some carers or parents who, for a lot of different reasons will not provide this nurturing platform which all children need. Examples of this include carers with mental health issues, drug misuse, marital conflict and violent behaviour.Theories Regarding Child Development. Theories of child development can be said to be a set of principles that are designed to explain or predict some things. There have been many theories over the years by many scientists and psychologists and they have come up with a multitude of different perspectives as to why a child will do certain things within their development. Theori es not only provide an extended outline of understanding, they also allow educated guesses or hypotheses about some parts of a Childs development that are not clearly understood yet. These theories can provide a bounce board for other research but they also have some practical benefits.They can be useful (if you are a parent, teacher, therapist or carer) as a reference point when you need to make important decisions within the Childs lives and a well-founded theory can provide valuable information in making responsible decisions. On the flip side though, some child development theories can be limiting and misleading and can in fact hinder or jeopardise a Childs development if the primary carer follows this theory to the letter. It is with this in mind that it is vital to compare and evaluate a lot of theories before acting upon them and it is with this comparing and contrasting that you will find that a lot of theories strengths and weaknesses will be highlighted. There are many the ories out there and underneath I will be going into a few of them in more detail. Alfred Bandura (Social learning theory) Main theory: Learning takes place by imitation.The social learning theory suggests that people will learn from one another through observation, imitation, and modelling. This theory has been renamed â€Å"the social cognitive theory† this is to accommodate later developments of this theory. Albert Bandura found that children tend to copy people they hold in high status (parents etc. ) especially so if these people are warm or have powerful personalities. This theory could lead us on to the fact that we should very aware of our behaviour in front of children and the effect this could have on them. Things to think about: * If children are smacked by adults will they be more likely to smack other children? * If children are shouted at by other adults, are they more likely to shout at other children? If children are given explanations, are they more likely to explain things to other * If children are comforted when they fall, are they more likely to do the same to others? How this affects practise * You will have to be very wary of the language and behaviour you use in front of your children. * It could a useful theory to use if you want your children to experience role play. * Being a good role model can only help the child. * This theory allows learning without direct experience. * Promotes positive behaviour. If you are positive this will rub off on the child. Transmission theories There are three main theorists involved in transmission theories.John Locke: He thought that the child was an empty vessel and that they can be shaped by the adult and that children can be shaped by external factors and these are greater influences than any genetic involvements (nature v nurture) Ivan Pavlov: (classical conditioning): Pavlov’s theory was his famous conditioned Reponses in dogs experiment. Pavlov likes to be known as a physiologist ra ther than a psychologist as he believed the two were linked and were useful and scientific. Classical conditioning is the way in which responses are under the control of new stimulus. In his case the â€Å"conditioned† stimulus was a church bell and the â€Å"unconditioned† stimulus was food. His experiment involved feeding the dogs every time the church bell rang. This eventually produced an â€Å"unconditional† response from the dogs which was saliva flowing from the dogs mouth when the food appeared.This would then gradually change into saliva being produced with any bell noise thus producing a â€Å"conditioned† response from the dogs. Food will produce salivation, but it’s this change in stimuli using classical conditioning which means that saliva is being produced with the sound of the bells and not the actual food. Pavlov’s Experiment Burris Frederick Skinner: (operant conditioning) Skinners main theory was one of that reinforcement a nd punishment moulds behaviour and children are conditioned by their experiences. Skinner maintained that learning occurred through responding to the environment and he coined the term â€Å"operant conditioning† to describe this phenomenon.He did extensive research with animals, notably with rats and pigeons. I t was skinner who invented the famous box in which a rat learns to press a lever in order to obtain food. He gave rats a reward of food if they pressed the lever. This was positive reinforcement. The desired behaviour was rewarded. Conversely, undesired behaviour could be negatively reinforced. The rats would receive an electric shock every time they went near one area of a maze and they would then begin to avoid that area. The undesired behaviour was got rid of and the desired behaviour was encouraged. How this affects Practise. Positve reinforcemnet includes * Special helper Kindness awards * Points * Stickers * Special jobs * Star of the week * Trips out * Priase o r golden time. Negative reinforcement includes: * Lines * Detention * PunishmentThings taken from or kept from the child. The effects this has on practise is that it will provide motivation for the child to behave and also to put that lirttle bit more effort in than they would normally if they have something to aim for at the end of the week or day. It will give the child encouragement to repeat the good behaviour or effort upon recieving their treat or reward. Social constructavist theory Jean Piaget: This is the theory where all other theories are judged.His main theory is that the development of children take place in distinct stages of cognitive development. The adult does have an influence but the child is building their own thinking systems. Piaget believed that nature and nurture interact to create cognitive development. He claims that children when learning: * Go through stages and sequences in their learing * Are active learners * Use first hand Experiences and prior experi ences in order to learn. * Imitate and transform what they learn in to symbolic behaviour. He devolped four stages of cognitive learing. 1: Sensory motor stage (0-2 years) the child explores using its senses( sucking ,grasping etc) : Pre operational stage (2- 7 years) The toddler understands the use of symbols and language and this can be understood. 3: Concrete operational stage (7-11 years) the child can now conserve and begin to reason logically. The child can now solve problems but their sucessful reasoning is largely limited to concrete situations. 4. Formal operational years (11-16 years) the child is now developed and can show logical thinking and be able to work through abstract problems. Piaget view on a child as an active learner. Piagets three process: 1. Assimilation: this process is where people translate information in to a form they can understand. 2. Accomodation: This is where people adapt current knowladge in reponse to new experiences. 3.Equilibration: this is whe re people balance assimilation and accomodation to create a stable understanding. Implications in practise. Piagets theory suggests that childrens distictive ways of thinking at different ages need to be considered when deciding how best to teach them. In addition beacuse children learn by mentally and physically interacting with their environment, relative phsical activites are important in educational practise. How they influence current practise: * The language we use with the children * The resources you provide for the children * The need to incorporate role play * Activities( what to do with the resources at hand) * The way in which we chack for understanding from the child * We can question certain techniquesWhat are social constructivists? A social constructivist feels that the adult will play an active role in helping the children through their stages of development. Lev Vygotsky: He was a russian psychologist who died prematurely. His theory dates back to 1924 and he devel oped ideas that there was relationship between language and thinking and cognative development. His theory empahsised the roles of historical, cultural and sociual factors in cognition and argued that language was the most important symbolic tool provided by society. He said that the ZAD (the zone of actual develpment) is where the child will develop naturally with out the adults help.He then says that the ZPD( the zone of proximal devlepment) is where the adult helps and he believes that adult intervention is crucial for the child to move between actual and proximal development. Jerome Bruner: he belived that learning was an â€Å"innate† function. He believes that children â€Å"do â€Å" â€Å"imagine† then â€Å"translate† them into sense through schemas and that older children create symbols to imterpret what they have done. Bruners three stages of development are: * Enactive (0-1 yrs) Doing * Iconic (1-7 yrs) Imagining * Symbolic (7+) Using symbolic repr esentations Bruner also has his theory of â€Å"scaffolding† where he does recognise the importance of adult support.The easist way to get your head round this is to imagine the adult as the â€Å"scaffold† round the child, a bit like the scaffolding on a building. The adult moves and grows with the child offering them â€Å" support â€Å" and reinforcement on the way. How this effects current practise * We can use this to observe the children * We can look at the prefered learnign styles considered * This theory basically sums up the role of a teaching assistant â€Å" supprort and reinforcement† * Intorduce new concepts to expand learning * Will influence the way in which you question a child Humanistic Approach. Abraham Maslow and Mia Keller Pringle. Maslow created a theory of human needs that was relevant to all ages not just for children. This was known as the humanistic approach.He said that there was five levels of need and his theory suggested that ea ch level had to be â€Å"met† before you could progresson to the next one. Maslow also said that it was almost impossible to reach your full potentiol if the lower needs were not sufficiently met. Maslows Hierachy of needs. How this may impact on current practise. There are many ways this theory could impact on practise: * Keeping an eye out for the childs basic needs( Hungry, clothing, tired,) * Awareness of bullying and social exclusion * Having a homework club (where the older children could help the younger ones. ) * Praise( Give praise when a child Produces a good piece of work) * Having a â€Å"Get to know you† activity or activities Understanding problems with a child( enabling you to asses the need of the child so he/she can progress) * Promote a positive learning environment which is individual to the children. * Devolop a â€Å"Culture† where the child feels comfortable to come forward and say they have a need that is not being met. Mia Kellmer Pringle Pringle suggested that there are four primary needs that have to be met from birth. Love and security: this is probably the most important one of the four as this provides the basis for all future relationships. A child will also have objects as â€Å"security blankets† ie a favorite toy which they will use when they feel threatened or upset.The child will want routine which helps with their development and also they will need attachment which comes in the form of a caring a stable family. New experiences: this is a fundemantal requirement for cognitive development. In ealry life the act of playing and using new language as well as revisiting previous experiences and accesing new and demanding phsical and mental challenges all help in the childs cognitive development. This goes with them through to adolecence where they will start experimenting with boyfriends/ girlfriends and get involved in team roles etc. Praise and recognition: Strong incentives are vital for a child who is going through a difficult time.If a child is constantly put down or told they are useless it becomes a self fullfilling prophecy where the child has low expectations leads them onto low achievement. This will eventually lead onto the child never getting into any situations where they feel they will fail. Responsibility: It is also very inportant to structure the childs environment so he/she have challenges which reflect their interests and ability levels, this will encourage independance and co operation. Pringle goes along the same lines as Maslow so their impacts on practise are similar. Produce a routine the children are familiar with Plan trips out( get them interested in a musical instrument or have a themed week) Recognise cultural normsMake a child feel valued and Individual Have a School council( Promoting responsibilty) Welcome the child to his/her new setting( name on the peg, â€Å"get to know you activites) Give them jobs( registor monitor,handout milk etc) Leave it to nature Theories ( laissez faire model) Rousseau: was an 18th century philsopher who thought that the child will †learn naturally† and they were genetically engineered to learn certain things at certain times. He thought that a childs learning unfolds like a flower and that babbling leads onto talking which leads onto writing and reading, the same way kicking the legs and crawling leads onto walking and running.This theory suggests that adults mould the childs development through the environment they create and this â€Å"environment† will support the childs learning and help it to unfold. One example being speech. If a childs environment is all English speaking, the child will speak english, if a child hears both chinese and English it will become multi ligual and speak both languages. This view suggests that the child will do what they need to devolp and learn naturally. It sees the child as â€Å"active† in their own learing and as the adult do not ne ed to act this is sometimes reffered to as the laissez faire view of how children learn. Rousseau mapped a set of developmental norms charting expected development.He believed that development followed a sequence and identified ‘normal’ age ranges of achievement. A depressing approach for children with special needs. Gessel: In the 1930s he mapped out a set of developmental norms which charted expectent development in children. These norms mapped out the childs expected development and this followed a sequence which identified the normal age ranges of achievement. This was also a very depressing approach for any children who have disabilites or learning needs. Gessels spiral of development. How this approach impacts on current practise. You will have an understanding that you can observe and not always intervene in a childs behaviour. Understand Child and Young Persons Develpment Understand Child and Young Person Development. Core 3. 1 1. 1 The term â€Å"Sequence† of child development refers to the how we expect a child to develop from the day it was born to the age of 19. Child Development is the biological, physiological and all the emotional changes that happen during these formative years as the child goes from dependency to autonomy. These changes could be hugely influenced by genetics, events that occur whilst in the womb and during prenatal development and are usually included in most studies of child development.Developmental changes are different. They occur as a result of a genetically controlled process called maturation or as a result of environmental factors and learning (home life and school for example) but these changes most commonly happen as a result of a combination of them both. It can also be a result of â€Å"human nature† which is the ability of the growing child to in fact learn from their environment. Human beings and e specially children have a keen sense to adapt to their surroundings and this is what child development covers and includes.A child’s development is continually happening and can be measured in many different ways and although the child will develop at different rates and in different ways, the sequence in which this happens will follow the same sort of pattern . This is because in most examples they need to learn one skill before they can move onto the next. An example is walking. The child will need to learn to walk before they can run or jump etc. Development in children is more rapid in the early stages with many milestones happening in quick succession.This slows down as the child becomes a young adult with the milestones becoming further apart. (Cache children and young people’s workforce p49) The table below looks more closely at the aspects of child development. THE DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES CHART Age| Intellectual| Social / Emotional| Language| Gross motor| Fine Mot or| Infant – Birth to one year| Uses hands and mouth to learn| Forms a bond with parents, will begin to recognise faces and smiles, at about 6months will recognise parents and be fearful of strangers. | Starts being ocal and using terms such as â€Å"mammy and daddy†| Lifts head first then chest, rolls over, pulls to sit, crawls and stands alone| Reaches for objects and picks up small items, clutches onto toys, e. g. Rattle | Toddler 1-2 years| Begins to learn words for objects and people| Learns that self and parent(s) are different or separate from each other, imitates and performs tasks, indicates needs or wants without crying| Can follow simple instructions and say more words than just â€Å"mammy and daddy†| Can walk, stop, jump and throw things like a ball. Unbuttons clothes, builds tower of 4 cubes, scribbles, uses spoon, picks up very small object| Preschool2-5 years| Understands things such as tired, hungry and cold, recognises colours, becomes aware of numbers and letters| Begins to separate easily from parent(s), dresses with assistance, washes and dries hands, plays interactive games like tag. follows directions, can make simple sentences of two or three words, vocabulary increases Names pictures| Runs well, hops, pedals tricycle, balances on one foot| Buttons Clothes, builds tower of 8 cubes, copies simple figures or letters| School age 5-12 years| Develops understanding of numeracy and literacy concepts, learns relationship between objects and feelings, acquires knowledge and understanding| Acts independently, but is emotionally close to parent(s) dresses without help, join same sex play groups and clubs| Defines words, know and describes what things are made of, vocabulary increases| Skips, balances on one foot for 10 seconds, overestimates physical abilities| Draws person with 6 parts, copies detailed figures and objects| 12-18 years| Understands abstract concepts like illness and death, develops understanding of complex id eas| Experiences rapidly changing moods and behaviour, interested in peer group almost exclusively, distances from parent(s) emotionally, concerned with body image, likely to have first sexual relationship| Uses increased vocabulary, understands more abstract concepts like grief| May appear awkward and clumsy while learning to deal with rapid increases in size due to growth spurts| Fully developed| 18 +years| Continues to develop the ability to make good decisions and to understand the complexity of human relationships| Becomes independent form parent(s), own lifestyle, and career, social and economic changes, develop interests, chooses a partner, becomes a parent. | Continues to develop knowledge and vocabulary of different styles of language used| Fully developed| Fully developed| (Cache Children and young people’s workforce p51-66) 1. 2Child development is the term used to describe how the child will grow through a progression of developmental milestones. All children are believed to follow the same sequence of growth (the child will crawl, then stand, then walk for example) this is called the normative pattern. What we need to know is that not all children follow this pattern and for example some children will miss out stages altogether. One example of this is blind children and some children may decide to bottom shuffle and not bother with the â€Å"crawling phase†. The traditional approach to monitoring this is to use this normative measure which as I have mentioned already is the milestones in which we measure our child’s development.These actually only show what most children can do and in reality many factors such as genetic, cultural and social factors will all have an effect on the child’s development and it is important we take this into account before labelling children â€Å"advanced or backward. † The sequence of development refers to the stages of which a child develops; the rate of development is how fast the child is expected to achieve these developmental milestones. It is important to realise that the normative measurements can only indicate general trends and cannot be taken as â€Å"normal† . It is very important to realise that while the sequence of development may be somewhat the same in most children, the rate or speed in which the child develops can vary in many ways.Things that have a massive effect on the rate of a child’s development can include environment (home life) culture (religious beliefs), ability, the amount of stimulation a child receives and input (from parents for example). It is important to understand the difference between the rate and the sequence of a child’s development as this will equip you with the knowledge you need in order to plan effectively with your child and will help you identify any concerns which you may have within the developmental process. (Cache Children and young people’s workforce) 2. 1-2. 2 A child’s gr owth and development can be affected by many factors, with some having more of an affect than others.They can be split into two categories which I will go into more depth later. These are Personal factors (such as genetics and health related issues) and External factors (such as poverty, family life, personal choice and social interaction. ) Below is a diagram illustrating things which can affect a child’s development? Disability or special needs. Inherited (downs) or chronic (Autism) Disability or special needs. Inherited (downs) or chronic (Autism) Finances (living in poverty) Finances (living in poverty) Education (home schooled, private or state) Education (home schooled, private or state) Cultural background (Religion or beliefs) Cultural background (Religion or beliefs)Health status, Antenatal issues (smoking, drinking, drugs) Health status, Antenatal issues (smoking, drinking, drugs) Social class (lower, working, upper) Social class (lower, working, upper) Genetics, Bi rth problems Genetics, Birth problems Family Environment and background (loving or divorced parents) Family Environment and background (loving or divorced parents) Gender Gender Interpersonal Relationships Interpersonal Relationships Personal Factors influencing development. Genetic Influences Many studies believe it is both our environment and our genetics which will mould us into the person we ultimately become. Our chromosomes are where we find our genes.Parents pass these onto their children via their cells (the sperm and the egg). Alleles are different versions of the same gene and it’s this which can determine distinctive features such as eye colour, but also it is this which could lead to the inheritance of disorders such as cystic fibrosis. A baby’s development is also affected during pregnancy(before the birth) ,at the time of the birth and after the birth. Examples include a woman not knowing she is pregnant in the early stages and carrying on with all her ba d habits (drinking, smoking, drug taking and diet. ) It’s at these crucial first 12 weeks in the uterus when all the essential organs are being formed. This is called the antenatal period.A child being born before term (37 weeks) and therefore is born prematurely may need intensive care and this could affect development. Health Status A child’s health status can have a great effect on how it develops. This is determined by genetic inheritance but can also be affected by factors such as diet, environment, and what health care they receive. Some children are born with conditions which affect their development (these include Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis and heart defects). Other illnesses which may develop over time( including asthma and diabetes) will also have an effect on the child’s development if for example they have frequent visits to the hospital and miss school or their activaties are restricted because of their condition.External Factors Influencing Dev elopment. Poverty This is the single biggest thing that threatens the healthy development of children and young people in Great Britain and can have an effect on all areas of a child’s development (Physical, Intellectual, Language, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual. ) This threat is part of the â€Å"cycle of deprivation† where poorer families will tend to live in poorer housing; they may also have a poor diet which will not provide all the right vitamins and minerals which will affect the child’s immune system which will have a knock on affect to the increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. Other things which are linked to poverty are:Accidents and illness: Children from poorer backgrounds are four times more likely to have an accident than those from higher up the social ladder. Quality of life: many children from lower classes have none or little toys, meals and clothes Poor diet: As I mentioned above a poor diet comes hand in hand with low income fami lies as they more times than not have to buy the cheaper brands or processed convenience foods. Space to live and play: poorer children are more likely to be limited in their play space as the housing which they live will is more likely to be small and substandard. Growth: Poorer children are more likely to be smaller at birth and shorter in height. Education: Children from the lower classes are more likely to have poor attendance and less likely to do well.Long Term Effects: As adults they are more likely to be homeless, be unemployed, and become involved in drug abuse, offending or be in abusive relationships. Social Interaction There is a lot of research to show that social isolation or a lack or opportunity’s to socialise ( playgroup, family members, mother and baby groups, toddler groups) can lead to early child development issues such as speech problems , the inability to share or in fact the ability to socialise with people in a civilised manner. The social environment in which a child is raised can have a dramatic effect on their development. An example of this would be a child who has had no contact with neighbours, family members or classmates.Family Environment and background The situation at home will have a huge effect on a young person or child’s development. A child may seem physically healthy but if they are unhappy and are not enjoying their time at home this is will most definitely be affecting their development. Things a child needs include: Love and affection: A child needs unconditional love and affection from their primary carers whoever this may be (Parents, Grandparents, Foster Parents etc. ) A child needs to feel safe and secure. Stimulation: a child needs the right amount of stimulation for healthy growth and development. Too little or too much will result in unhealthy developmentOpportunities to play: It is common sense that all children need to play to develop, then on from that, young people need to be given the oppor tunity to socialise and have leisure opportunity’s (such as learning an instrument or joining a sports club). A child’s social and emotional development is majorly influenced by the foundations which the family unit creates. Most parents will provide a nurturing unconditional loving family environment where their child will embrace and flourish within it. There are some carers or parents who, for a lot of different reasons will not provide this nurturing platform which all children need. Examples of this include carers with mental health issues, drug misuse, marital conflict and violent behaviour.Theories Regarding Child Development. Theories of child development can be said to be a set of principles that are designed to explain or predict some things. There have been many theories over the years by many scientists and psychologists and they have come up with a multitude of different perspectives as to why a child will do certain things within their development. Theori es not only provide an extended outline of understanding, they also allow educated guesses or hypotheses about some parts of a Childs development that are not clearly understood yet. These theories can provide a bounce board for other research but they also have some practical benefits.They can be useful (if you are a parent, teacher, therapist or carer) as a reference point when you need to make important decisions within the Childs lives and a well-founded theory can provide valuable information in making responsible decisions. On the flip side though, some child development theories can be limiting and misleading and can in fact hinder or jeopardise a Childs development if the primary carer follows this theory to the letter. It is with this in mind that it is vital to compare and evaluate a lot of theories before acting upon them and it is with this comparing and contrasting that you will find that a lot of theories strengths and weaknesses will be highlighted. There are many the ories out there and underneath I will be going into a few of them in more detail. Alfred Bandura (Social learning theory) Main theory: Learning takes place by imitation.The social learning theory suggests that people will learn from one another through observation, imitation, and modelling. This theory has been renamed â€Å"the social cognitive theory† this is to accommodate later developments of this theory. Albert Bandura found that children tend to copy people they hold in high status (parents etc. ) especially so if these people are warm or have powerful personalities. This theory could lead us on to the fact that we should very aware of our behaviour in front of children and the effect this could have on them. Things to think about: * If children are smacked by adults will they be more likely to smack other children? * If children are shouted at by other adults, are they more likely to shout at other children? If children are given explanations, are they more likely to explain things to other * If children are comforted when they fall, are they more likely to do the same to others? How this affects practise * You will have to be very wary of the language and behaviour you use in front of your children. * It could a useful theory to use if you want your children to experience role play. * Being a good role model can only help the child. * This theory allows learning without direct experience. * Promotes positive behaviour. If you are positive this will rub off on the child. Transmission theories There are three main theorists involved in transmission theories.John Locke: He thought that the child was an empty vessel and that they can be shaped by the adult and that children can be shaped by external factors and these are greater influences than any genetic involvements (nature v nurture) Ivan Pavlov: (classical conditioning): Pavlov’s theory was his famous conditioned Reponses in dogs experiment. Pavlov likes to be known as a physiologist ra ther than a psychologist as he believed the two were linked and were useful and scientific. Classical conditioning is the way in which responses are under the control of new stimulus. In his case the â€Å"conditioned† stimulus was a church bell and the â€Å"unconditioned† stimulus was food. His experiment involved feeding the dogs every time the church bell rang. This eventually produced an â€Å"unconditional† response from the dogs which was saliva flowing from the dogs mouth when the food appeared.This would then gradually change into saliva being produced with any bell noise thus producing a â€Å"conditioned† response from the dogs. Food will produce salivation, but it’s this change in stimuli using classical conditioning which means that saliva is being produced with the sound of the bells and not the actual food. Pavlov’s Experiment Burris Frederick Skinner: (operant conditioning) Skinners main theory was one of that reinforcement a nd punishment moulds behaviour and children are conditioned by their experiences. Skinner maintained that learning occurred through responding to the environment and he coined the term â€Å"operant conditioning† to describe this phenomenon.He did extensive research with animals, notably with rats and pigeons. I t was skinner who invented the famous box in which a rat learns to press a lever in order to obtain food. He gave rats a reward of food if they pressed the lever. This was positive reinforcement. The desired behaviour was rewarded. Conversely, undesired behaviour could be negatively reinforced. The rats would receive an electric shock every time they went near one area of a maze and they would then begin to avoid that area. The undesired behaviour was got rid of and the desired behaviour was encouraged. How this affects Practise. Positve reinforcemnet includes * Special helper Kindness awards * Points * Stickers * Special jobs * Star of the week * Trips out * Priase o r golden time. Negative reinforcement includes: * Lines * Detention * PunishmentThings taken from or kept from the child. The effects this has on practise is that it will provide motivation for the child to behave and also to put that lirttle bit more effort in than they would normally if they have something to aim for at the end of the week or day. It will give the child encouragement to repeat the good behaviour or effort upon recieving their treat or reward. Social constructavist theory Jean Piaget: This is the theory where all other theories are judged.His main theory is that the development of children take place in distinct stages of cognitive development. The adult does have an influence but the child is building their own thinking systems. Piaget believed that nature and nurture interact to create cognitive development. He claims that children when learning: * Go through stages and sequences in their learing * Are active learners * Use first hand Experiences and prior experi ences in order to learn. * Imitate and transform what they learn in to symbolic behaviour. He devolped four stages of cognitive learing. 1: Sensory motor stage (0-2 years) the child explores using its senses( sucking ,grasping etc) : Pre operational stage (2- 7 years) The toddler understands the use of symbols and language and this can be understood. 3: Concrete operational stage (7-11 years) the child can now conserve and begin to reason logically. The child can now solve problems but their sucessful reasoning is largely limited to concrete situations. 4. Formal operational years (11-16 years) the child is now developed and can show logical thinking and be able to work through abstract problems. Piaget view on a child as an active learner. Piagets three process: 1. Assimilation: this process is where people translate information in to a form they can understand. 2. Accomodation: This is where people adapt current knowladge in reponse to new experiences. 3.Equilibration: this is whe re people balance assimilation and accomodation to create a stable understanding. Implications in practise. Piagets theory suggests that childrens distictive ways of thinking at different ages need to be considered when deciding how best to teach them. In addition beacuse children learn by mentally and physically interacting with their environment, relative phsical activites are important in educational practise. How they influence current practise: * The language we use with the children * The resources you provide for the children * The need to incorporate role play * Activities( what to do with the resources at hand) * The way in which we chack for understanding from the child * We can question certain techniquesWhat are social constructivists? A social constructivist feels that the adult will play an active role in helping the children through their stages of development. Lev Vygotsky: He was a russian psychologist who died prematurely. His theory dates back to 1924 and he devel oped ideas that there was relationship between language and thinking and cognative development. His theory empahsised the roles of historical, cultural and sociual factors in cognition and argued that language was the most important symbolic tool provided by society. He said that the ZAD (the zone of actual develpment) is where the child will develop naturally with out the adults help.He then says that the ZPD( the zone of proximal devlepment) is where the adult helps and he believes that adult intervention is crucial for the child to move between actual and proximal development. Jerome Bruner: he belived that learning was an â€Å"innate† function. He believes that children â€Å"do â€Å" â€Å"imagine† then â€Å"translate† them into sense through schemas and that older children create symbols to imterpret what they have done. Bruners three stages of development are: * Enactive (0-1 yrs) Doing * Iconic (1-7 yrs) Imagining * Symbolic (7+) Using symbolic repr esentations Bruner also has his theory of â€Å"scaffolding† where he does recognise the importance of adult support.The easist way to get your head round this is to imagine the adult as the â€Å"scaffold† round the child, a bit like the scaffolding on a building. The adult moves and grows with the child offering them â€Å" support â€Å" and reinforcement on the way. How this effects current practise * We can use this to observe the children * We can look at the prefered learnign styles considered * This theory basically sums up the role of a teaching assistant â€Å" supprort and reinforcement† * Intorduce new concepts to expand learning * Will influence the way in which you question a child Humanistic Approach. Abraham Maslow and Mia Keller Pringle. Maslow created a theory of human needs that was relevant to all ages not just for children. This was known as the humanistic approach.He said that there was five levels of need and his theory suggested that ea ch level had to be â€Å"met† before you could progresson to the next one. Maslow also said that it was almost impossible to reach your full potentiol if the lower needs were not sufficiently met. Maslows Hierachy of needs. How this may impact on current practise. There are many ways this theory could impact on practise: * Keeping an eye out for the childs basic needs( Hungry, clothing, tired,) * Awareness of bullying and social exclusion * Having a homework club (where the older children could help the younger ones. ) * Praise( Give praise when a child Produces a good piece of work) * Having a â€Å"Get to know you† activity or activities Understanding problems with a child( enabling you to asses the need of the child so he/she can progress) * Promote a positive learning environment which is individual to the children. * Devolop a â€Å"Culture† where the child feels comfortable to come forward and say they have a need that is not being met. Mia Kellmer Pringle Pringle suggested that there are four primary needs that have to be met from birth. Love and security: this is probably the most important one of the four as this provides the basis for all future relationships. A child will also have objects as â€Å"security blankets† ie a favorite toy which they will use when they feel threatened or upset.The child will want routine which helps with their development and also they will need attachment which comes in the form of a caring a stable family. New experiences: this is a fundemantal requirement for cognitive development. In ealry life the act of playing and using new language as well as revisiting previous experiences and accesing new and demanding phsical and mental challenges all help in the childs cognitive development. This goes with them through to adolecence where they will start experimenting with boyfriends/ girlfriends and get involved in team roles etc. Praise and recognition: Strong incentives are vital for a child who is going through a difficult time.If a child is constantly put down or told they are useless it becomes a self fullfilling prophecy where the child has low expectations leads them onto low achievement. This will eventually lead onto the child never getting into any situations where they feel they will fail. Responsibility: It is also very inportant to structure the childs environment so he/she have challenges which reflect their interests and ability levels, this will encourage independance and co operation. Pringle goes along the same lines as Maslow so their impacts on practise are similar. Produce a routine the children are familiar with Plan trips out( get them interested in a musical instrument or have a themed week) Recognise cultural normsMake a child feel valued and Individual Have a School council( Promoting responsibilty) Welcome the child to his/her new setting( name on the peg, â€Å"get to know you activites) Give them jobs( registor monitor,handout milk etc) Leave it to nature Theories ( laissez faire model) Rousseau: was an 18th century philsopher who thought that the child will †learn naturally† and they were genetically engineered to learn certain things at certain times. He thought that a childs learning unfolds like a flower and that babbling leads onto talking which leads onto writing and reading, the same way kicking the legs and crawling leads onto walking and running.This theory suggests that adults mould the childs development through the environment they create and this â€Å"environment† will support the childs learning and help it to unfold. One example being speech. If a childs environment is all English speaking, the child will speak english, if a child hears both chinese and English it will become multi ligual and speak both languages. This view suggests that the child will do what they need to devolp and learn naturally. It sees the child as â€Å"active† in their own learing and as the adult do not ne ed to act this is sometimes reffered to as the laissez faire view of how children learn. Rousseau mapped a set of developmental norms charting expected development.He believed that development followed a sequence and identified ‘normal’ age ranges of achievement. A depressing approach for children with special needs. Gessel: In the 1930s he mapped out a set of developmental norms which charted expectent development in children. These norms mapped out the childs expected development and this followed a sequence which identified the normal age ranges of achievement. This was also a very depressing approach for any children who have disabilites or learning needs. Gessels spiral of development. How this approach impacts on current practise. You will have an understanding that you can observe and not always intervene in a childs behaviour.